Camp Amy Molson likes to be prepared and we know that sometimes we could all use an extra pair of hands. This is where our Replacement Counselors (or Floats) come in, Floats move around camp assisting in whatever way needed whether it is working in the kitchen or helping with laundry or perhaps substituting at an activity station.
If you work best in a constantly changing environment and are able to adapt quickly to different situations then this position might be best for you.
Replace staff members when needed.
Being punctual and respecting the schedule is crucial for the success of our camp program which includes but is not limited to:
- Free-play duties
- Any meetings
- The Bell
- Curfew
- Night duty
- Activities
When not assigned to a position, offer assistance in activity or with a cabin.
Assist counselor with behavior report and Activity leader with evaluation when necessary.
Participate in all camp activities such as:
- Meal times
- area patrol
- cleaning duties
- evening programs
- picnics
- bedtime
- rest hour
- special days and attend all program staff meetings.
Ensure assigned duties for the day with Program Director during breakfast.
Experience working with children.
Experience working at a summer camp or in different child-based programs.